Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Pink Saturday Request

This is a very different Pink Saturday post from the usual for me.  On Wednesday, April 27th, 2011, the state of Alabama suffered the most devastating natural disaster since Katrina ravaged New Orleans.  The horror began early Wednesday morning and continued throughout the day as tornadoes continually pounded our area.   I am blessed because my loved ones are safe, and our houses are standing.  Just a few miles up the road, down the all directions....devastation is everywhere.  The death count last night was at 228.  It continues to rise as search teams comb the wreckage.  Untold numbers are injured, homeless, and suffering.  Please pray for all who were touched in Alabama and in other states where the tornadoes showed no mercy.   I am sharing with you this tragedy on a Pink Saturday post because the color pink is a symbol of innocence and simple beauty.  We will all be clinging to hope in the upcoming days.... hope that some semblance of peace and beauty will return to those who have lost loved ones and their life's dreams.

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday each week.  Thank you, Beverly, for the chance to share with all "Pinks"

 In memory of those who were lost and in empathy for those who suffered loss on April 27, 2011,
when tornados touched down in the Heart of Dixie, our beloved Alabama.

Excerpted from The Woodbine Poems

"Oh where is their happy cottage home 
Where want ne 'er frowned nor grief would come
Where is their father who gazed with joy 
On his two fair girls and his infant boy
Where is their mother's watchful care 
That tender love they were wont to share 
Their home is no more neath the tall trees wave"


Emma Rose said...

You are all in our prayers.

PrincessMommyPants said...

My husband and sons went to the nearby areas the next day to help. This is what they found:

Thank you, such a beautiful post!!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Keeping all in our prayers! Cathy

Terri Morse said...

I'm so sorry for all the suffering you are enduring there. I'm thankful that your family is safe. I'll remember you in my prayers. Hugs, Terri