Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tiny House Dreamin'

It seems like everywhere you look nowadays, people are downsizing. I totally get that!  Just this weekend I was looking at several "must have at one time" treasures that will have a spot at my May yard sale.   It's time that they were cherished by another who might be on a different path at this time in their life.  At this point in my own, the journey will be easier with fewer "things" on board!  Just one glance at this serene coastal tiny home is great stress therapy. Not a lot of square footage is needed to keep beauty within reach. The small yard is just the right size for the gardener that lives in my soul.  Ahh...the water's view...just a few steps to dip the toes on a summer day!  Tiny homes reflect the authenticity of a well examined life.  (Photos are via Pinterest)


Laurie said...

I can appreciate the whole downsizing thing but I must say I do not GET the whole tiny house fad!

Mac n' Janet said...

We need to downsize and I've been selling stuff on ebay and need to do more.
Love the cottage.

Cathy said...

don't know where that cottage is, but I am living there right now as I type this. Could be in heaven sitting by that waterside, yes I wish I was there tomorrow forever.