Saturday, December 26, 2009

Practical Pink Pizazz!

Usually when I think of pink, I think fabulously flirty frou-frou! Well, pink can have its practical side. The Rosebud Salve pictured here was one of my mother's favorite remedies for chapped lips or any skin blemish. It works! Last evening when I came home in below freezing weather with gusts of wind sending the chill to the bone, I reached for this familiar little tin to keep my lips from chapping. This morning...not one sign of the cold wind's touch! I noticed last night that the tin is almost empty. So, I checked online today thinking that Rosebud Salve might be hard to find. Not so! Of all places, it can be ordered from one of my favorite sites, The Victorian Trading Company. A girl can never go wrong with anything that is pink AND practical! When it's pink with a purpose, no need to apologize for indulging! With that in mind, here are three other pink needfuls that I added to my order, which is totally unlike me. But, I couldn't resist! The Brambleberry Rose Balm can be placed on pulse points as a "cologne," or used on the lips. It's infused with "delightful fragrance." The "Cotton Candy" lip gloss is going be awesome. The tin can later double as a pill box! Then, the pretty pink shower cap was kind of an after Christmas treat for myself. Who says pink is just frou-frou???

Visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to see more takes on Pink! Every week Beverly hosts this get together which features countless bloggers who love to tell the world about their favorite color! You'll be amazed at the many personalities of pink that you'll meet when you click on the links at Beverly's site. There are shabby pink blogs, cottage cozy blogs, pink bling blogs, and total pink pizazz....just to list a few! Happy Pink Saturday! (Photos from The Victorian Trading Company)


Anonymous said...

lots of lovely pink stuff hope you have a fab pink saturday

Jacalyn @ said...

Love that Rose Balm! I have used the one from CO Bigelow but I don't think it was pink! Happy Pink Saturday!


Tricia said...

Happy Boxing Day and Happy Pink Saturday! I really LOVE that shower cap - I would never have believed it was a shower cap - thought it was a "molly cap" from the early American era. That little flower is so cute on there! I'll have to try that balm for my dd - she gets VERY chapped lips every winter. I have really enjoyed perusing your blog today. You have such a lovely blog. I've done some altered art over the years, but have never actually posted any photos - maybe over this vacation...... I'd love to try a swap - but I'm sort of fearful of taking the leap.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and following - I am honored! Hope you have an absolutely wonderful day!


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Love that little "face" container! You know me...always enchanted with boxes and containers! These are quite interesting and perfect for pink Saturday! Happy Holidays! Hugs, Coralie

Sue McPeak said...

I'm a daily lip balm user, too. I bet I'd love that RoseBalm! Cute shower cap and so practical! I'm having my 12th Pink Saturday Post today...come on by and visit.

Anonymous said...

Love the balm and shower cap..I would wear it outside in this weather haaa!

suesueb said...

I love all the tins and practicality can be pretty too! Happy Holidays and Happy pink week!!

Tipper said...

Love the salve-what pretty tins it comes in. I hope your Christmas was Merry!!

Beverly said...

Well, of course you had to do some extra shopping. I love everything you ordered.

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Holidays to you and your family, Marilyn.