Saturday, February 20, 2010

P is for Pretty Pink Parasols!

Marta: "I'm Marta, and I'm going to be seven on Tuesday, and I'd like a pink parasol."
Maria: "Well. pink's my favorite color, too." ~~~(The Sound of Music)

Happy Pink Saturday! With Spring just around the corner, we'll soon be blessed with rain showers instead of snowflakes. It will soon be the season to have an umbrella by every door. Yesterday, I posted about a most magnificent umbrella store! Today, I thought that it might be fun to share some Pink Parasols for M'Lady. I think you'll agree that these are too pretty to shed the raindrops. The feathers and Battenburg lace would not do very well in a sudden shower. No rain required! Here in the South, some ladies love to have a parasol to protect the face from the harsh sun! These would ALL be perfect for keeping away from the rays. Which do you like best?

Here's hoping that our faithful hostess Beverly from How Sweet the Sound is all well again from surgery!!! These Pink Saturdays wouldn't be the same without her hard work and dedication. Thanks, Beverly! Be sure to click on the link to visit other Pink Saturday Posts!


Sue McPeak said...

Without a doubt, my favorite is the Battenburg Lace Parasol. As a Southern Gal who often uses an umprelly in the summer, I can say I wouldn't use any of these in the Texas Hot Sun....Pink would fade to white in 30 minutes. I'd just have to be Miss Millie in the house. I hope ya'll get rain soon...we've had a bit to go with this awful cold. I'm ready to get out the umbrelly for summer! Happy Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

What cute parasoles! I love the feather one!
Happy pink saturday!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

The Battenburg lace parasol is to die for!! Lovely!

Maggie said...

OMG these are delightful!!!!!!

Emma Rose said...


Donatella said...

I would love one of each... there lovly!!

Gail said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty....that is all I have to say.

Gail - Decorating My Tin Shack

Tipper said...

So pretty-I like them all : ) And I'm ready for spring too!

Pom Pom said...

I have so many memories that hold umbrellas! I grew up in the Pacific Northwest! We had raincoats, boots, golf umbrellas! Now, I live in Colorado so I rarely need an umbrella and I kind of miss it! Happy Pink! GREAT post!

Sherry from Alabama said...

Oh, this southern lady NEEDs one of those lace ones to protect her delicate skin this summer. They are all beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine