Sunday, April 27, 2008


As I sit at the computer, I hear the sweet choir of birds outside "singing in the rain." I got up extra early this morning to get a few things accomplished...I love early Sunday mornings. The neighborhood is so quiet...Even Toby and Suzy, my loyal fur babies, seem to "prance" outside very joyfully on the Sabbath. Their tails wag as they sniff the fresh air. Today, a light mist was falling. I grabbed the hedge clipper and "tweaked" a few limbs from the shrub next to the garage. It looks so good...All things look better with raindrops to dress them! The beans that my granddaughter and I planted last weekend have already sprouted. My peppers are growing!!! Sweet, sweet Sunday solitude!


Mya said...

Beautiful writing, it made me feel like taking a little cruz around the yard to see if anything is blooming. But it is very cold this morning so that trip will have to wait.

rivergardenstudio said...

I've been enjoying your lovely blog, so full of birds and butterflies, art and nature. I am so glad to find you, and THANK YOU for your lovely comments on my blog! Roxanne...Oh I also love your music!