Saturday, November 24, 2012

Counting the Days!

I remember when I was a little girl how excited I was when Christmas was just around the corner.  That was back in the days that Sears Christmas Catalog was Mama's treasured "shopping mall."  She would tell me to be careful as I turned each page in awe of all the toys and holiday gifts.  The simplicity of the holiday season back then brought such joy and wonder.  Today, I found this tiny matchbox Advent calendar in Yankee Magazine, and it reminds me of those days that ticked so slowly by bearing the anticipation from December 1st to Christmas Day. Totally inspiring and so easy to make!

Photo Credit: Bonnie Thomas via Yankee Magazine
Needful things:

25 small matchboxes
Elmer's glue
Permanent marker
Wrapping paper to cover sides
Pipe cleaners to "frame" edges
Ornament for the top

AND, of course, small trinkets to fit inside the boxes.  In place of trinkets, wouldn't it be nice to write some random acts of kindness for the season?


Joreina Blanco said...

I also know that feeling. Good thing December's around the corner. Cute DIY

Wandering Star said...

God bless Toby .I know how painful it is to lose a beloved trusting companion. CeeBee xx