Friday, February 18, 2011

Haiku My Heart

Just enjoy the ride!
Allowing the universe
To respond in kind.
Sometimes the best way to run life's race is to relax and coast down the path that we did not necessarily choose, knowing that we were never totally in control anyway. (Photo by Snuzzy Fun)

It's Haiku My Heart Friday hosted by recuerda mi corazon.  If you enjoy reading haiku or would like to share your own, click here! Thanks, Rebecca, for being the hostess to our weekly haiku gathering.  Fridays are so special for the opportunity to share a bit of haiku and to visit other enthusiasts' offerings.


deb did it said...

what a fun photo, but I really like your haiku message! I try to live this way everyday!

Spadoman said...

Those are wise words to be sure. The turtle would know as they have much wisdom. Good stuff. Thanks.


Grammy said...

I so enjoyed both your wisdom in your words and smiles from your image. It was quite fun to visit with you today. : )

Nanka said...

Loved the idea of coasting and must enjoy that ride however bumpy it may be!!

tami said...

LOL! love the photos and the message - just enjoy the ride. I try and do that . . .

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Sometimes the ride is bumpy...but there can be enjoyable moments along the way...

Haiku My Heart, O Sentinel

rebecca said...

yes, indeed,
enjoy every moment.
kiss the joy as it flies!

Kim Mailhot said...

Trying to do just that these days !
Thanks for the delightful image and playful words.
Happy Friday !

Margaret Pangert said...

Great haiku and image! Let's try to be like this little guy and give ourselves permission to LET GO!! ♥

ms pie said...

oh that is such a fine post! turtles are such wonderful creatures.. that shall be my new mantra... im coasting, coasting....