Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can Spring Be Far Behind?

Happy Groundhog Day!  This little fellow is supposedly one heck of a meteorologist.  Legend has it that he will wake up from hibernating today and venture out of his safe haven.  If the day is sunny, he will see his shadow and scamper back to bed for 6 more weeks of Winter!  However, if is cloudy, there won't be any scary shadow, and Spring will be saying hello real soon.  A cold, cloudy day is predicted in our area on this auspicious occasion.  So, I'm expecting daisies and daffodils  to be blooming real soon.  What is the weather like at your cottage?


Linda said...

No shadow her in West Tennessee....cloudy and cold. Maybe Spring will be here soon!

Orange Daisies said...

Spring will be here soon!