Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Bouquet of Pop-Its!

Memories of many hours with these pinks!
Do you remember the pop beads of the 60's?  I think that having a vintage, pearly pink pop bead necklace would be so fun this Spring! So, I am setting out to find a strand that is just like the pretty one I had way back when.  I happened upon a site called Eclecticala, and there is lots of pop bead eye-candy there.  Alas, most are sold!  Yet, just looking at the pics of the site's beads fans the flame of desire.   I've included a few of the other luscious colors I came across that would spruce up Spring, too.  My favorite is still the light pink pearl because that is identical to the pretty pink ones I had as a child.  What fashion (vintage or new) are you looking forward to when the flowers begin to bloom?
To die 4 pearly turquoise!
These are the "queen bee" with the connector!
 For more Happy Pink Saturday posts visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

LOL .. oh my gosh and beautiful shades of the past !
Thanks for bringing back those memories.

Anonymous said...

Love your goodies. They made jewelry so much prettier back then, and classic looking as well. Love the light pink ones as well. Happy PS.

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Love these necklaces!

~ Gabriela ~

Shabbychicdiva said...

I love these! They are SOO pretty. Would love to wear a pair! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday! Winona

Cathy said...

These are so cool. I used to love popping them. Such a piece of the past.

Happy Pink Saturday,


Angela said...

Oh, wow! I had completely forgotten about these. They were so much fun!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

love the colours! I remember mom used to wear them.. thanks for the memories! happy PS!

Spadoman said...

Fashion? I look forward to wearing shorts!
I played with pop beads as a young boy. They gave them away as prizes at a carnival. I collected m,any strands and thwn would "pop" thm into a long one. I must have had 20 feet!
Of course my Dad didnt want me playing with 'girls' things like beads, so he made me throw them away.
I must admit, the photos you posted make these things look real purty with the luscious colors and all. I remember them being rather bland and solid colors.
Anyway, Spring will bring a new wardrobe, I'll put away my wool socks.


rebecca said...

i was so young and my mother had made me a flapper dress. RED.
complete with those elastic plastic glittery high heels....and of course a double row of long pop beads.

thanks for a perfect memory!