Monday, March 1, 2010

The Roaring 20's

My favorite era has always been the turn of the century. The Victorians had grace, style, and a love for beauty. If I had to choose my second favorite time in space, it would be the Roaring 20's! It was the time of F. Scott Fitzgerald's writing and the words of his literary peers...the "lost generation." Women were cutting their hair! The flappers were dressed like "so fun" with the long beads and "scarfed hemmed" dresses." The Love for Vintage Network is a group which shares, of course, vintage times. I belong to several of the groups within the network. These pics are from the 1920's posts. Aren't the fashions just peachy keen? Isn't Clara Bow's hairstyle the cat's meow? If you'd like to join Love for Vintage and see lots of pics from some of your favorite times gone-by, click here!

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