Friday, February 19, 2010

The Umbrella Store

Well, the snow has left the Deep South. We are expecting a gorgeous day with a temp of almost 60 degrees! But, the precip will be back as rain showers on Sunday. Those showers will probably be just a taste of what is to come when Spring says hello. When the March winds arrive, and the raindrops fall, it will be time to keep an umbrella near each door. I love umbrellas. I happened upon this pic of what I would consider the ULTIMATE umbrella store. It is located in London. While reading the words on the storefront, I came across "Wordsticks." What is a "word stick?" Do any of you have the answer?


Tracy Bentley said...

Hi I looked up wordstick and it looks like something you may personalize your umbrella with. Like a name plate. Have a good weekend

Donatella said...

wish I had a umbrella store like that close by..looks like tracy b looked up wordstick be nice to get a personalized umbrella too