Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Many years ago, Woody Woodpecker was one of my favorite cartoons. Well, I now have my own "Woody" residing at my home. For quite some time, every morning at 9:00 a.m., he is busy at work on the side of my house. There is now a small hole which we have to repair this weekend. I don't know what to do with him. As soon as I hear him, I go out to chase him away. Sometimes, it takes more than one time to get him to stop his handiwork for the morning. He looks so much like the pic on this post which I found on Flickr. Cute, cute, cute....destructive, destructive, destructive. The last week or so he has not been HEARD! That's a good thing.


Deborah said...

WOW, he is beautiful. Deena from Can I be pretty in Pink, just saw one at her home also. I have only seen this woodpecker about 15 years ago where I use to live!
Nice photo! I would love to have one of those in my backyard!

Laurie said...

Wow, I have never seen a woodpecker for real -- how cool is that? Does yours have that great red hat?! He looks HUGE!

Michelle said...

Haha! I've been there before but they have a job to do! Keep us awake. :)

Bellen said...

We have these pileated woodpeckers in our neighborhood in Florida. They take turns drilling the palm tree next door and our metal downspout - talk about noisy! They also have that Woody Woodpecker laugh - always brings a smile.