Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pink Goodness!

Happy Pink Saturday! Our hostess for these weekly Saturday gatherings is Beverly at How Sweet the Sound. Yesterday was Pink Friday for me because I spent the day with my 4 year old granddaughter Anna Marie. Anna loves pink, pink, pink, especially when it comes with the title Princess and a tiara. It was a day of dress-up, cooking, and creating. After singing "Sha la la, I love you" while wearing a pink tiara, Anna helped me bake and decorate pink cupcakes. Then, it was Play-Doh time. Remember the frangrance that wafted to your nose when you opened a brand new container of Play-Doh? Seems like I remember Play-Doh colors being very limited in the 50's, but now we have plain doh, sparkled doh, and too many to count colors of play-doh! Yesterday was a great day because of Princess Anna Marie and her love of pink! Thanks, Anna! Missy had a fantastic time!


Pom Pom said...

Oh yes, the Play-Doh smell is like nothing else.

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

You had a day with a "little pink in training"- what fun! You are making pink memories and a special bond. You are very blessed.

I loved playdough! Even that distinct smell. I pray that someday I too will have a pink princess to have a pink day with!

I'm sure you and your little Anna had a very happy pink day!

♥Mimi♥ said...

What a wonderful Pink Saturday post! I just ♥ the fact that each of us shares such a variety of items - that's one reason why this event is never boring. Always something fun, new, lovely or interesting around the corner.

Thanks for sharing a part of yourself today☺ Cold, gloomy day today but, as always, bright and sunny on the Pink Saturday blogs.

♫Wishing you sunshine and happiness this weekend!♫

LemonyRenee' said...

Great assortment! I LOVE the smell of PlayDoh. I have begun making my own ($), but regret that it doesn't have that same delightful smell. Happy Pink Saturday!

Claudia said...

The minute I saw that Play-doh, the smell of it came right back to me. What a strong sense memory - and I love that smell. Happy Pink Saturday!


Unknown said...

G'morn ~
I never could get off with Play-Doh ... so messy. Love the tiaras.

Have a beautiful weekend.
TTFN ~ Marydon

Char said...

Sounds like lots of fun is happening at your home, Happy Pink Saturday and can I come play too. Char

Sue McPeak said...

My grands loved PlayDoh and it sue does have it's own unique smell. Nice memories of playing with them. I rather prefer the Pink Tiara and Cupcakes! Happy Pink Saturday....hope you'll stop by for some BlogginBirthday is the Finale!

stefanie said...

what a perfect day!!

Jacalyn @ said...

Sounds like a fun "pink" day!

Happy Pink Saturday,

JJ said...

Play doh smells like marzipan - but doesn't taste quite as good!
Happy PS

Unknown said...

Cute stuff! Happy Pink Saturday!

Patricia said...

Happy Pink Saturday. What beautiful photos all in Pink. Please have a wonderful new week.

Jany Schindler said...

It sounds like you had a perfect day with your granddaughter.
ENJOY all the PINK!
~ Jany ~
Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"

HeARTworks said...

You have such a pretty blog and so interesting! Glad i found you through OWOH!