Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Traditional Pink Saturday!

Merry Christmas on this Pink Saturday! Linda, our Pink Saturday hostess at How Sweet the Sound, asked that we share a favorite Christmas tradition today.

My favorite tradition is a simple one. I listen to the carol Silent Night immediately before going to bed on every Christmas Eve. The tradition started when I was a child. Our family always decorated the tree in the late afternoon hours of Christmas Eve. After the decorating was complete, the tree lights were the only ones that glowed as we drank hot chocolate and sang carols. The last song of the evening was Silent Night. Then it was bedtime so that Santa could make his visit. Though many years have passed, the carol remains my favorite, and no Christmas Eve is complete without it.

This year we will be attending Mass on Christmas Eve. Candlelight will illuminate the church, and the singing of the last carol Silent Night will once again bring to mind that special night of so long ago when the Christ Child was born.

Now for a little history...

A Carol's Beginning

Silent Night had a very humble beginning. Originally, Silent Night was a poem written in 1816 by an Austrian priest called Joseph Mohr. On Christmas Eve in 1818 in a small Alpine village called Oberndorf the organ at St. Nicholas Church broke. Joseph Mohr gave the poem of Silent Night to his friend Franz Xavier Gruber and the melody for Silent Night was composed with the intentions of it being played on a guitar. It was a simple task for the friend, and the music was ready for Midnight Mass. Perhaps, it is the most popular of all Christmas carols!
(Photo from Flickr)


Mollye said...

Oh yes Silent Night probably would beat out all the others hands down. It just says Peace and Hope. I linked to you today on my blog. Happy Holidays, Mollye

Sue McPeak said...

Thanks for the history of Silent's one of my favorites, too. This is my first visit to your blog, and I'm so glad I came via Beverly's Pink Saturday. Love your background and your Christmas Posts. I'm a new Follower and have posted your blog on my Sidebar. Hope you'll stop by for a visit at CollectInTexas Gal. Merry Christmas and Happy Pink Saturday!...Sue

Anonymous said...

Beautiful..HPS Happy Holidays

Thru Pink Curtains said...

that is an interesting background to post as i was thinking of the same song. shope for the Christmas season in your home and for the new year....

Char said...

I think that Silent Night is the most famous Christmas song there is. If brings all the love of family and child together for peace on earth. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Happy Pink Saturday to you and yours, Char

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What a beautiful memory and tradition! Midnight Mass and finally Silent Night to bring the peace of the Lord to one's heart! Thank you for sharing this and for the brief history of Silent Night too. I remember seeing a black and white film about the writing of Silent Night...a long time ago but it has stayed with me. A lovely story from the past, as is the Christmas birth we cherish. Blessings to you! Coralie

Rebecca said...

Silent Night is my favorite too! Have a very blessed and merry Christmas! Happy Pink Saturday.

Back Porch Blessings,

Deborah said...

What a nice family tradition! I love Silent Night also. It is also one of my favorites!