Thursday, January 29, 2009


As difficult economic times descend, our natural instinct and, sometimes, raw necessity draw us to simplicity. Replacing lost buttons, mending the tattered quilt, cooking the evening meal, and crafting the treasured gift are more than just "green living." The motions quiet the mind and become sacred rituals. Suddenly, perfection does not lie in the price tag or pristine condition. The Japanese coined the term "wabi-sabi" for appreciating the patina brought by life's cycles. Wabi-sabi is a philosophy, a style, and a journey. Wabi-sabi is the antidote for Wall Street illness. Do you "wabi-sabi?" You certainly are attune to this style if these are a few of your favorite things....

weathered wood, bare branches, handmade, crumbling stone, farmer's market, wildflowers, unbleached cotton,tea, moonlight, arts and crafts, flea markets, dog eared books with wrinkled pages, vintage pocket watches...

I believe that wabi-sabi is the reverence for the relevance of the history of all things temporal. Look for more "wabi-sabi" posts in the upcoming days.


i think i know said...

I have a wabi-sabi husband. I love this philosophy, I have lived it and never knew there was a word for it (or two words). Some of my favorites.....
sea shells
vintage carpets
mens eyes
old class pictures
I'll return for more wabi-sabi posts

Teresa aka Tess said...

wow, there is a term for how I have always been. Interesting, thanks for the post.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Wonderful blog! I enjoyed my visit!

Laume said...

This describes my feelings about life/money so well. I'll have to google more about wabi-sabi. And come back to your blog for your personal take on it again. I'm glad I found you (through OWOH)